Sl. Student Name Thesis Advisor Final Thesis Submission Date Title Thesis
1 Divya Jaganathan Rama Govindarajan Inertial particles in unsteady hydrodynamic environments: theory and numerics
2 Bhanu Kiran Sandepudi Pranav Pandit On the Formal Moduli of En-monoidal categories
3 Shashank Kumar Roy Samriddhi Sankar Ray A study of dynamical instability and filter stability using ensemble Kalman filter
4 Mahaveer Prasad Manas Kulkarni Signatures of chaos and integrability in isolated and open quantum many-body systems, and controlling chaos in the Kicked Top model
5 Saikat Santra Anupam Kundu Gap statistics and density crossovers in confined particles with power-law interactions
6 Mukesh Kumar Singh Parameswaran Ajith Gravitational wave astronomy of merging compact binaries: Effect of subdominant modes of gravitational radiation
7 Priyadarshi Paul Suvrat Raju The Hilbert space of de Sitter quantum gravity
8 Jitendra Kethepalli Anupam Kundu Equilibrium and non-equilibrium properties of 1d interacting systems
9 Tuneer Chakraborty Suvrat Raju Holography of Information in de Sitter Quantum Gravity
10 Manisha Vishal Vasan Shallow-water wave models and ocean-depth measurement